Inquiry Form

Please use this form to make your inquiry about availability or to make a reservation.
Please read Notes before you fill out the form. After clicking the "Confirm" button, you will directed to a confirmation page.


  • This form is used for informing your requests to the hotel/ryokan.
  • Please make sure that all the information that is given to us is correct. Mistakes in your personal details (telephone number, fax number and e-mail address) would cause communication problems.
  • This reservation shall be valid only when both parties: theg uest and the hotel confirm the contents of the reservation.
  • The answer by mail is sent only from the hotel that can use the email functionality.
  • Please understand that your request may not be possible due to the following cases.
    1.Check-in date, number of guests, type of guest room and meals in the prescribed charge.
    2.Full ocupancy or closed day.
  • Please understand that the answer from the hotel may be delayed due to circumstances.
  • In case you don't recevie a reply from the hotel by e-mail, please make a direct inquiry to the hotel by telephone or fax.
  • If you need to change or cancel your reservation, please make a direct contact to the hotel in person.


Please don't use those characters. < > & " ' \ (This text may get messed up.)
Fields marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Inquiry about

Ryokan/Hotel NAME

Shizuoka Hamamatsushi

Hamamatsu hotel

The Hamamatsu hotel is a urban style economy hotel that was opened in 2004.The hotel is convenient and functional hotel for businessmen located at the center of Hamamatsu city.We offer variety,rich and free Viking style breakfast that is very popular among our guests.

*Check in Date

Less than 180 days from today

*Length of one's stay

Night(s) stay

*Number of guests

Adults :
(Male : , Female : )
Children :

*Number of rooms




Japanese Yen (Per adult, per night)

Request or question



Arrival time :

Customer Information

*Guest name

*E-mail addres



Zip code

*Country number

(e.g.:852[Hong Kong])

*Phone number (At least one is mandatory)


*Fax number

